The Wirth Wellness Podcast #58: How I'm Finding Ease in My Growing Pregnant Body: Reimagine Your Relationship to Dynamic Physical Changes



Today, Erika is opening up about her experience, so far, of living in a growing, pregnant, body. In the show, you'll learn how she's expanding in her capacity to show up for her body through the daily changes of pregnancy, and embracing the invitation that, growing a human extends, to care for it and honor it deeper. Whether you're preparing for pregnancy, or just going through a big transition in your physical body, this episode offers a gentle way to walk through the shifts that feels expansive, easeful, and self-nurturing.

In the Episode:

  • How to build a flexible friendship with your body BEFORE getting pregnant (or while going through any dynamic physical body change)

  • Leaning into the feminine energy that pregnancy invites one to embody and embrace

  • Pregnancy as an invitation to up-level kindness towards your body, and set a new "normal" for generations to come

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By listening to this podcast, you understand that the topics discussed are intended, solely, for informational purposes. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be relied on as such. In listening to the podcast, you also agree that Wirth Wellness is not responsible for any outcomes or decisions you make, relating to any information presented on the show.


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The Wirth Wellness Podcast #57: Quick Tip for Navigating Negative Emotions with More Ease