The Wirth Wellness Podcast Episode #14- The Healing Mindset. A Strong Foundation for Lasting Transformation (with Ben Wirth).


This is episode, Ben and Erika Wirth, discuss together, the power of embracing a healing mindset, as the foundation for lasing transformation. 

In The Episode:

  • “Mindset” as the element you CAN own, when so much feels out of control

  • Adopting a mindset, in the face of external stressors, that becomes a source of peace and serenity, rather than chaos and pain

  • Identifying what you really “want,” as a driver for sustainable change

  • Getting stuck in the “comfort” of negative thinking

  • Shedding what doesn’t serve you, and is standing in the way of transformation

  • Why consistency in building your healing mindset matters, when life lacks surety

  • What you gain in the “showing up,” is as important as the end result you’re desiring

  • Embracing a lifestyle where healing is a priority, you unlock the superpower of body wisdom

  • The pitfalls and values of goals and rewards

  • “If I love myself, how do I reward myself?” Does my reward system align with who I am becoming?

  • Getting yourself to health, should be a baseline- a platform to launch into the life you’ve dreamed of living.

  • Track your progress and celebrate the gains

  • Self-check! Who are you transforming for? Is it first and foremost for you?

  • Taking the STEPS to heal, is changing you.

  • “Falling off the wagon.” It’s up to you to decide the fatality of the fall.

Connect with Erika:

Instagram- @wirthwellnessbyerika

Twitter-  @wirthwellness


Follow Ben:

Instagram- @clean_keto_warrior 

Please Note the Following Disclaimer!

By listening to this podcast, you understand that the topics discussed are intended, solely, for informational purposes. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be relied on as such. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any health-related concerns, and prior to making decisions that affect your health and well-being. In listening to the podcast, you also agree that Wirth Wellness is not responsible for any outcomes or decisions you make, relating to any information presented on the show. 


The Wirth Wellness Podcast Episode #15- Body Partnership Mini Series Part 2: Real Food As A Powerful Mechanism Of Healing.


The Wirth Wellness Podcast Episode #13- Body Partnership Mini Series, Part 1: Embrace Your Body As "Friend."