The Wirth Wellness Podcast Episode #15- Body Partnership Mini Series Part 2: Real Food As A Powerful Mechanism Of Healing.


The Body Partnership approach to nutrition, is focused on honoring the body’s feedback, and embracing a food strategy that promotes healing, as the foundation of a vibrant life. Are you ready to break into true “food freedom,” and out of diet dogma? If so,  then this episode is for you. Together, let's make food a part of your empowerment strategy! I want to help you build a nutritional road map that makes you more- whole and integrated- not less. 

In The Episode:

  • A brief history of my dysfunctional relationship to food.

  • Food as a poor container for emotional regulation

  • “State Changers” other than food

  • Emotional eating lodges unpleasant feelings in deeper

  • Recent shift to my own nourishment approach

  • Learning how to tune into the feedback loop between your nourishment and the body’s response  

  • Embrace the discovery process of identifying your unique nourishment needs

  • Your diet isn’t static, because your life isn’t 

  • The goal of your diet isn’t to make you “less”

  • The “how” and “where” matters, when it comes to food. Consider the “eating setting”, and how you’re emotionally "showing up" to a meal.

  • Eating doesn't have to be the “pillar” of your day

  • The freedom of having other “tools” in the emotional regulation toolbox, other than food.

  • Healing hunger signals. 

  • Adapting your nutritional approach, as your body's needs evolve 

  • It’s an act of love to put the foods into your body, that love you back! 

Previous Related Episodes:

Erika’s Eating Disorder Story

Building Strong Internal Resources


Search for a Functional Medicine Doctor Near You!

“State Changers”, Other Than Food (9:50)- Video by Dr. Mindy Pelz 

Rewire and Reset Your Brain for Improved Health and Well-being- Video by Dr. Mindy Pelz

What the Heck Should I Eat, Book by Dr. Mark Hyman 

The Naturally Nourished Podcast, and Blog Created by RD. Ali Miller! 

The Dr. Josh Axe’s Blog and Podcast 

Body Love Every Day: Choose Your Life-Changing 21-Day Path to Food Freedom- By Kelly Leveque, and the Be Well By Kelly Podcast!


Please Note the Following Disclaimer!

By listening to this podcast, you understand that the topics discussed are intended, solely, for informational purposes. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be relied on as such. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any health-related concerns, and prior to making decisions that affect your health and well-being. In listening to the podcast, you also agree that Wirth Wellness is not responsible for any outcomes or decisions you make, relating to any information presented on the show. 


The Wirth Wellness Podcast Episode #16- Is It Stress or Resistance, That’s Keeping You Stuck?


The Wirth Wellness Podcast Episode #14- The Healing Mindset. A Strong Foundation for Lasting Transformation (with Ben Wirth).