Erika Wirth Erika Wirth

Calling All the Healing Rebels!

Have you ever thought everything in life would be better, if only you were more self-disciplined? And by “self-discipline,” I’m talking about the drag-yourself-through-the-mud kind of grit, that says you’ve got to get out of bed at the same time every day, in order to “win” at being human. Sound familiar!? This blueprint for achieving full human potential is widely popular, and taught to both men and women alike. I wonder though, in your own experience, did the “self-discipline” method live up to its promises? Did it provide you with all the essential ingredients for transformation?

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Erika Wirth Erika Wirth

Body Partnership Manifesto for the New Year

Another year reached its “expiration date.” Before you stands wild uncharted territory, in which to cultivate the life of your dreams. How are you feeling? Invigorated? Apprehensive? Terrified? A combination of all three?!… January has my heart longing for a menu where a healed body, increased relationship satisfaction/depth, lower anxiety, more sleep, and the eradication of feelings of isolation, loneliness, and overwhelm are being served. Illuminate the way to a life liberated from the fear of lacking what I need to be whole. Please and thank you!

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Erika Wirth Erika Wirth

How to Upgrade Your Emotional Well-Being for the New Year

Have you ever wondered if you are living with unnecessary emotional suffering? For a lot of us, the day-to-day is full of unavoidable “stressors,” and our energy stores are being depleted faster than we can replenish them. But what if there was a way to reduce the struggle right now, and start to redirect your precious energy elsewhere, to the things that actually fill you with joy and ignite your passion?

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