Body Partnership Manifesto for the New Year

Blog Post Jan. 2021 Picture

Another year reached its “expiration date.” Before you stands wild uncharted territory, in which to cultivate the life of your dreams. How are you feeling? Invigorated? Apprehensive? Terrified? A combination of all three?!

Honestly, I’ve arrived here with hardly a spark left on the fire. I don’t need another reminder of all the things I’ve neglected, and ought to muster up more will-power for, this year. January has my heart longing for a menu where a healed body, increased relationship satisfaction/depth, lower anxiety, more sleep, and the eradication of feelings of isolation, loneliness, and overwhelm are being served. Illuminate the way to a life liberated from the fear of lacking what I need to be whole. Please and thank you!

Like me, you’ve probably begun many a new year with the hope for something, radically,  better, to follow the old one. However, the single act of hanging up a new calendar, has yet to produce substantial personal transformation, internally or externally. You wonder, “what will move the dial in my life this year, and how do I move from manifestation to actualization, of my dreams?”

Darling, I’m glad you asked! As the year begins to cascade over you, and you seek out the recipe for whatever it is you believe will make your life more beautiful, the first thing I want you to drink up, and let flow to every cell in your body, is this: beauty is YOU. There is no need to chase something you already possess.

Revel in that. Nothing (absolutely nothing), is more sacred than your beating heart. The breaths you’re taking, right now, didn’t exist a second ago. “Newness” exudes from you, more than once a year. I once heard a yoga teacher say, 

“Every breath is a “new year.” 

  Breath is the song of hope. If you have breath, you have proof that possibility hasn’t expired yet. Let your breath be the friend who, graciously, greets you at the door of the new year, welcomes you in, and invites you to reconnect to what is truest in you. 

  What if, over the expanse of the next twelve months, even if nothing around you changed, you became fluent in the language of your body and emotions? You learned how to discern the subtleties of your heart’s requests to rest, reconnect, and release? You breathed more?

Could this be the year, you answer the call to fully show up to the experience of living in your body, and embrace your role as primary advocate and champion of your own health and wellbeing? To wake up every morning and do what makes YOU feel your best, most vibrant, self. Learn what turns your heart up, and ignites your passion for making your unique impact on the world? If your heart is nodding, “yes,” I’ve created the Body Partnership Manifesto for you! This is the pact I’m making with myself, as the foundation for a year built on trusting my body, and the feedback it gives me, rather than resorting to self-abandonment. 

The Body Partnership Manifesto

I will receive the messages my body sends without judgement. 

I will have the conversations with my body that I’ve been avoiding.

I will honor my body’s capacity and limitations. 

I will praise the heck out of my dedication to being alive.

I give my body permission to heal, on its timetable.

I release the notion that healing is “inconvenient” for others. 

I let go of the need to justify to others why I must take care of my own health, first.

I will not apologize for my “no’s.” 

I embrace every speck of love that comes my way. 

I “unsubscribe” from anything that makes me doubt my body’s miraculous power to adapt, heal, and upgrade as needed, when presented with internal and external stressors.

I trust that my body is an agent of good, in the world, not a liability.

I embrace the responsibility of knowing my own body best, as the one living in it.

My internal wisdom and intuition can be trusted. 

  Everyone’s blueprint for healing is unique. It’s your job to curate the environment where your body will feel safest to heal and transform. Will you welcome healing, with open arms wide open, this year? 

  I want to love living in my body, but I also want my body to love living with me. This year, success, for me, looks like standing up, aduscialy, for my body, and supporting it every chance I get. It’s recognizing that nothing is more beautiful than the breath that keeps me alive, and with each cycle, is a genesis. An opportunity to recreate my year, at any moment. What hope! 

  Friend, I’ll leave you with this, whatever comes, stay connected to your innate wisdom. TRUST your body, ALWAYS. It knows...It just knows. What doesn’t feel aligned, isn’t. Your body isn’t a liability. The only thing you owe the world is to fill your life with the relationships, community, and activities that elevate your body’s healing and harmony. 


Calling All the Healing Rebels!


How to Upgrade Your Emotional Well-Being for the New Year