The Wirth Wellness Podcast: Wrapping Up Season #3, Transitions, and What's Next for Wirth Wellness



It has been a beautiful, AMAZING, journey creating and sharing the Wirth Wellness podcast with you, and for you. I've grown so much as a result. But, as it goes with Body-Partnership, sometimes, even good things, reach a point where change is needed. Today, I'm sharing what's next for Wirth Wellness, and why I've decided to press "pause" on the podcast, for the time being. I don't know exactly what the road ahead looks like, but I'm responding to the inner-call I feel to explore a new direction with this business. Don't worry though, I'm still here for you, and will be offering 1x1 coaching, as I also work to create new and exciting opportunities for you to grow in friendship with your body, and love living in your own skin.

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1x1 Coaching Session

Please Note the Following Disclaimer!

By listening to this podcast, you understand that the topics discussed are intended, solely, for informational purposes. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be relied on as such. In listening to the podcast, you also agree that Wirth Wellness is not responsible for any outcomes or decisions you make, relating to any information presented on the show.


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