The Wirth Wellness Podcast #54: Reconnecting to Your Hormonal Rhythm, and Becoming Unstoppable with Jenn Pike



Today, I'm chatting with Jenn Pike, all about reconnecting to our cyclical nature, as women, to unlock more simplicity and ease in every area of our lives. Doing more isn't always the key to growth, success, and happiness. Sister, it's time to trust the wisdom within you, live in harmony with your body's natural rhythms, and become the unstoppable woman your were meant to be all along.

In The Episode:

  • Jenn’s experience with burnout (multiple times), that resulted in her shifting from going wide to going deep, in her business

  • Becoming connected to her body to unlock deeper fulfillment in her life

  • How Jenn stumbled into cyclical living

  • Cycle syncing: the key to opening the door to your full potential

  • Breaking down the four phases of your Infradian rhythm, and how to live in harmony with it, regardless of if you're menstruating or not

  • Syncing your physical training and nutrition with your cycle

  • Striving to do it all- why adding more “wellness hacks” to your plate isn’t always the answer to improving your health

  • Why women are underrepresented in health and wellness research

  • A woman who knows, and is connected to, her body’s hormonal rhythm is unstoppable

  • How the culture’s disdain for the menstrual cycle, and miseducation about our biology, as females, is perpetuating trauma

  • Jenn’s health “non-negotiable” for women: know and trust your body

  • How to set up a life that supports you feeling how you WANT to feel

…and MORE!

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By listening to this podcast, you understand that the topics discussed are intended, solely, for informational purposes. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be relied on as such. In listening to the podcast, you also agree that Wirth Wellness is not responsible for any outcomes or decisions you make, relating to any information presented on the show.


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The Wirth Wellness Podcast #53: Childhood Attachment Trauma, and How it Shows Up in Your Adult Relationships, with Ellen Boeder, MA, LPC