The Crunchy Mom Club Podcast: Peaceful Nights: Non-Sleep Training Methods for Night Weaning and Better Baby Sleep with Brittni Mella Cepeda



Brittni is a certified Infant Sleep Specialist who is passionate about educating parents on the realities of biologically normal infant sleep while advocating for the normalization of connected and nurturing parenting practices. She’s committed to provide parents with the essential tools required to establish sustainable sleep routines in their homes, all without using any form of sleep training.

In the Episode:

  • What’s normal for baby sleep and night feedings: myths vs. reality 

  • Co-sleeping but want to wean at night? Gentle tips! 

  • Creating new sleep associations and bedtime rituals

  • How to help your toddler transition to their own room after co-sleeping

  • Understanding your toddler's early wake ups and how to shift them later, naturally

  • Why Brittni doesn’t recommend giving children any “natural sleep aids”

  • Top 3 root causes for night-time sleep disturbance

    ...and more!

Connect with Brittni:




Connect with Erika Wirth:

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⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Body-Partnership Coaching⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Please Note the Following Disclaimer!

By listening to this podcast, you understand that the topics discussed are intended, solely, for informational purposes. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be relied on as such. In listening to the podcast, you also agree that Wirth Wellness/Erika Wirth is not responsible for any outcomes or decisions you make, relating to any information presented on the show.


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