The Wirth Wellness Podcast #33- Decoding the Language of Your Body



In this week's episode, Erika breaks down the steps to help you decode the physical messages you receive from your body, build a way of life that welcomes an ongoing dialogue between your internal and external experiences, and gives you confidence to trust and follow your inner-guidance. This is body literacy 101!

Related Previous Episodes:

Episode #30- Healthy Solutions for Your Body and Home...

Episode #28- Post-Pill Amenorrhea and PCOS...

Episode #26- Healing Inflammation...

Episode #25- Unlock the Power of Your Self-Healing Body...

Episode #22- Does Your Body Partnership Need a Reboot?...

Episode #21- Healing Hormonal Imbalances...

Additional Resources:

Non-Toxic Home and Beauty Care Guide

Women's Body's Woman's Wisdom by Dr. Christiane Northrup 

The Truth About Depression... by M.D. Kelly Brogan and Kristin Loberg

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Please Note the Following Disclaimer!

By listening to this podcast, you understand that the topics discussed are intended, solely, for informational purposes. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be relied on as such. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any health-related concerns, and prior to making decisions that affect your health and well-being. In listening to the podcast, you also agree that Wirth Wellness is not responsible for any outcomes or decisions you make, relating to any information presented on the show.


The Wirth Wellness Podcast #34- How Attached Are You to the "Struggle?"


The Wirth Wellness Podcast #32- Natural Conception, Pregnancy, and Motherhood| Marni Wasserman, Certified Nutritional Practitioner and Host of the Ultimate Baby Podcast