The Wirth Wellness Podcast #25- Unlock the Power of Your Self-Healing Body with Fasting-Lifestyle Expert Dr. Mindy Pelz



Dr. Mindy Pelz joins the podcast to talk about one of the most powerful tools for unlocking your body's self-healing power, fasting. She shares the compelling scientific data that supports the use of fasting as a "first line" intervention for many chronic health conditions, because of its ability to deliver results and reverse illness. If you're new to fasting, intimidated by the idea of going without food for any length of time, and overwhelmed with where to start this episode is for you! Dr. Mindy makes fasting both fun and accessible for everyone. 

In The Episode:

  • We were built in a “self-healing machine”

  • How Dr. Mindy became a fasting guru

  • When eating healthy and exercising all day failed to accomplish the results she desired

  • Autophagy and the work of biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi (Nobel Prize winner in Medicine in 2016)

  • What happened when Dr. Mindy fasted for 24 hours, was so compelling, she couldn’t turn away

  • Three steps of a Fasting Lifestyle:

    -Vary your fasting style

    -Vary your food style

    -Do it in community

  • The "Hormonal Hierarchy"

  • Why should you start fasting today

  • How to achieving metabolic flexibility through fasting

  • The impact of metabolic flexibility on the immune system (virus cannot survive in cells that are “fat adapted!”)

  • The hard truth: not everything in the grocery store is “safe”

  • Dr. Mindy’s top 3 favorite fasting styles and how to get started

  • Tips for sticking to your fast, when it gets tough

  • Healing your relationship to food, hunger, and fullness through fasting

  • Is fasting “safe” for everyone?

  • How fasting for women is different

  • What you should know about fasting and mental health

  • How to create a fasting lifestyle that works for your family

Additional Resources:

Video- Intermittent Fasting Basics

Video- Autophagy Fasting 

Video- 24 Hour Fast for a Gut Reset

Video- Hormonal Hierarchy 

Connect with Dr. Mindy:

Dr. Mindy Instagram

Dr. Mindy Youtube

The Menopause Reset

Dr. Mindy Website

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Please Note the Following Disclaimer!

By listening to this podcast, you understand that the topics discussed are intended, solely, for informational purposes. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be relied on as such. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any health-related concerns, and prior to making decisions that affect your health and well-being. In listening to the podcast, you also agree that Wirth Wellness is not responsible for any outcomes or decisions you make, relating to any information presented on the show.


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