Why You Can Stop Rushing Your Healing!


Did you know you don't have to rush your healing?

If you’re like me, you have very high standards for yourself. You’re likely keeping track of how long it’s taking you to “upgrade,” get “results” from your healthy efforts, and change the parts of you that feel “flawed.” BUT what if that one thing you’re so quick to point to as evidence that you still don't have it “together-” your anxiety, bouts with depression, insecurity, insomnia, or people-pleasing addiction (you fill in the blank with your own circumstance)- wasn’t proof that you’re failing at healing after all? And what if there isn’t a “right” way to heal, or a specific length of time it should take? Could it be enough to keep showing up, fully, to every conversation (expressed in symptoms), your body wants to have with you?

Let’s imagine for a moment, your symptoms are the body’s way of conversing with you on your self-reclamation journey- messages from your internal-navigation-system, guiding you into your personal freedom and power. The gentle guides helping you stay the course of self-love and integrity. Go ahead, try that on, and see how it feels in your body: symptoms as signals not set-backs.  


The signals from the body are designed to usher in new life, and to bring to your awareness parts of you that are READY for your healing attention. Are you giving more attention to making your symptoms mean something is still “wrong” with you, than you are actually exploring the wisdom they are revealing to you? Can you open your heart to each internal whisper being an invitation to reclaim the parts of yourself that were hidden away in exile?

Notice how the “emotional charge” shifts- the feelings you formerly experienced with the presentation of the symptoms- when you embrace the messages from the body, as a call to come back home to yourself. You give the “charge” to your symptoms. You get to choose, going forward, how you want to feel about them.

Love, it is available to you, if you’re ready, for the feedback from your body to lead you into the truest expression of yourself. To be evidence that you are already whole. And when healing is no longer about fixing your “brokenness,” but rather about recognizing the full essence of who you are, and curating a life that makes sense in light of your calling and worth, those symptoms that you once judged so harshly become bearers of truth and light, calling you into deeper love for every part of you. 

Healing is the work of a lifetime, not something to rush through. It is the art of getting to know YOU. If you want to get faster at something, get faster at loving yourself. Get faster at coming back home to your wholeness.




3 Steps To Jumpstart Your Body-Partnership Workshop [REPLAY]


When You’re Tired, and Your Healing Feels “Stuck!”